Our Services

ABA/IBI Therapy

ABA principles integrate a combination of Discrete Trial Training (DTT), Verbal Behaviour (VB), Direct Instruction (DI), Functional Communication Training (FCT), and Natural Environment Teaching (NET). In addition, we use various reinforcement systems to motivate your child to learn and decrease any challenging behaviours being faced in their environments.

So what does this mean exactly?

We target various domains depending on your child’s needs. This can be but is not limited to:

  1. Increasing communication skills (verbally/picture exchange system or AAC device)

  2. Awareness, Attending skills, Eye-Contact

  3. Compliance (following instructions)

  4. Motor skills (oral-motor, gross-motor, fine-motor)

  5. Play Skills (expanding the types of toys played with, increasing the amount of time engaged in play and teaching functional play skill

  6. Academics (writing, reading, math, independent work)

  7. Behavioural Challenges (screaming, hitting, flopping, crying)

  8. Self-regulation (The ability to recognize your emotions and effectively manage them)

  9. Life Skills: Teaching independence (grooming, eating, dressing, toileting)

  10. Executive Functioning (problem solving, initiation, working memory, verbal reasoning etc.)

    Benefits of therapy at Home:

  • Teaching occurs in the child’s natural environment, this allows for programs to be developed that are meaningful to your everyday life.

  • Challenging behaviours that are seen at home can be directly assessed and targeted

  • Flexibility in your child’s schedule

  • Parent and family involvement in therapy goals

    Benefits of therapy at a Centre:

  • Allows for kiddos to get social interaction and build on their social skills

  • Works on school readiness skills such as circle time, snack time etc. in a group setting to ensure that children can do these tasks around peers

Therapy services are delivered directly with your child and their experienced Instructor Therapist. Our Senior Therapists create individualized programs and protocols tailored to your child’s needs. Additionally, Senior Therapists monitor progress throughout and modify as needed. Family involvement is encouraged for your child to generalize the skills developed with their therapist.

**Please note COVID-19 protocols are currently in place in order to protect everyone.

School Readiness

We work with children to make the transition to school as seamless as possible. If your child is already in school but needs assistance, we tailor programming to work on any challenges being faced. We work on skills such as independence, on-task behaviour, social-skills, and difficulty with transitions or other environmental/sensory factors.


We complete assessments at various points of your child’s therapy. Based on these results, individualized and developmentally appropriate programs will be implemented with your child.

Some of the various assessment tools we use are: The Assessment of Basic Language and Learning Skills (ABLLS), Early Start Denver Model (ESDM), Verbal Behaviour Milestones Assessment and Placement Program (VBMAPP) and Promoting the Emergence of Advanced Knowledge (PEAK).

We also offer the completion of assessments should you or your child’s school require one.

Parent Coaching

We are here to help parents with any challenges they are facing at home with their special needs child. We offer single sessions as well as ongoing parent coaching packages. This is offered both virtually and in-person. Some areas of focus can be but are not limited to:

  • Challenges with siblings

  • Problematic Behaviours

  • Daily Living Skills


We offer virtual or phone consultations to your child’s school. daycare and/or other professions. This allows us to provide various strategies and supports that will assistance your child better in that environment.